CogentCollect Enables a Creditors’ Right Law Firm to Expand Operations and Ensure Data Compliance
CogentCollect enabled a Michigan-based leading creditors’ rights law firm to consolidate data and user activities, in one combined platform, streamlining & automating business processes and optimizing operations. The firm now manages the entire account lifecycle of all claims – old and newly acquired through acquisition, from the combined Cogent platform.

A Leading Law Firm overcomes e-Filing challenges with BeatBlip Process Automation
The law firm was able to tackle the bottlenecks involved in the e-filing process with BeatBlip’s process automation capabilities. BeatBlip provided the law firm with an easy-to-use automation solution that dramatically reduced the burden of manual tasks faced by the process engineers.

AgreeYa Solutions Implements Cogent Software for Minnesota-based Law Firm
A leading law firm sought to improve its collections system and case management through AgreeYa’s Cogent software. Upon implementing Cogent, the law firm has better control over its collections system and is now able to complete developmental projects that had been left unfinished.

AgreeYa partners with a creditor’s rights law firm to build a robust system with Cogent Collections
Seeking to maximize the collections and case management processes for its clients, a creditor’s rights law firm moved to Cogent Collections software. The team efficiently deployed the software with great ease incorporating all the features which helped the client perform better and improve their collections.